Haapsalu Castle has assumed the obligation to protect privacy of their customers and users. Therefore, we have prepared these Privacy Policy principles, which govern the collection, use,  disclosure, transmission and storage of customer data. Our operations on the Internet comply with all relevant practices, as well as respective EU legislation and laws of the Republic of Estonia. Please take a moment and review the principles we apply to privacy.

  1. The controller of personal data is the Foundation of Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums (SA Haapsalu ja Läänemaa Muuseumid) (Service Provider), reg. no.: 90012432, address Kooli 5, 90502 Haapsalu.
  2. The Service Provider uses the personal data of clients that have placed orders through the online shop of the Haapsalu Castle and people who have subscribed to the newsletter of the Service Provider (Service User) to the extent required to provide the services.
  3. The Service User grants clear and conscious permission for the Service Provider to process his personal data upon registration as a user of the online shop or a newsletter subscriber, and marks the relevant field on the form.
  4. The Service Provider does not provide services stipulated in these terms and conditions to persons under 13 years of age without their parents’ permission.
  5. The personal data of the Service User that have become known to the Service Provider and that have been provided with the submission of an order or subscription to the newsletter shall only be used for the provision of the stipulated sales service or the mailing of the newsletter.
  6. Information which constitutes a part of processed personal data regarding an order placed by the Service User is as follows:
    6.1. in the online shop: first name(s), surname, phone number, e-mail, street, house/apartment, town/locality, postal code;
    6.2. registration for a newsletter subscription: the person’s e-mail address.
  7. The personal data of the Service User that are relevant for delivering the goods ordered from the online shop will be forwarded to the companies providing the courier service.
  8. The Service Provider shall implement all measures, including information-technological and organisational measures, to protect the personal data collected. Only persons authorised by the Service Provider have access to change and process the data, or persons authorised by law that process data to fulfil legal obligations, or where this occurs to protect the life, health or freedom of the Service User or another person
  9. The Service User has the right to review the personal data relevant to him, as well as to request his personal data be changed or removed from the database managed by the Service Provider
  10. The Service User agrees to the Service Provider’s sending an order confirmation to the e-mail address provided at the time of placing the order.
  11. The personal data of the Service User will be stored for six (6) months from the order date. The personal data of newsletter subscribers will be deleted when the persons unsubscribe from the newsletter.
  12. The Service User has the right to contact the Service Provider by e-mailing with regard to any applications stipulated in this privacy policy; and to file a complaint with the Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate or the court if he believes that his rights have been infringed upon during the processing of his personal data. The contact information for the Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate is available on its website, at